Lions Eyeglass Assistance Program (LEAP)
In 2011, Oregon Health Plan dropped vision coverage for the majority of adults.
Because of this, our Lions Clubs became inundated with requests to help Oregonians with their vision needs. Rather than rely on corporate generosities that are not always available, OLSHF used grant funding to build one of the first, state-of-the-art, charitable optical finishing labs, now called our LEAP Lab (Lions Eyeglass Assistance Program Lab).
Since 2015, we have been able to provide high-quality, low-cost eyewear for adults and children in need. Our LEAP Lab’s network has expanded partnerships with over 75 Lions Clubs and Optometrists & Ophthalmologists throughout the state.
Are you…an Oregonian in need of eyeglasses?
If your total monthly income is at or below the 200% poverty level and you do not have vision coverage, you may qualify to be sponsored by your local Lions Club for an eye exam and eyeglasses. Please fill out our Get Help Form to get in touch with your local Lions Club.
Remember, due to the high demand and resources available in your local area, this process may take a few months — local Lions Clubs are run by volunteers and do their best to keep up with requests from their local communities.
Do you have a current eyeglass prescription and the ability to pay an affordable fee for eyeglasses? Please visit us at our Eye Promise Optical Shop to schedule your appointment today and get some new eyeglasses! All proceeds from Eye Promise Optical go directly to OLSHF’s sight & hearing programs!
Are you… a Lions Club or other agency interested in partnering with our LEAP Lab?
If you are a Lions Club or other agency that would like to help more people in your community obtain quality eye exams and eyeglasses, please reach out! We can offer high-quality eyeglasses with a frame, hard case, and cloth at just $40 for single vision, $50 for lined bifocals and $60 for lined trifocals. All frames come with a one-year warranty. We may already have a partnering Optometrist in your area. Otherwise, we’re happy to establish a new partnership with whom your club currently works with.
If you want to learn more and would like to start working with our LEAP Lab, contact our Optical Director, Katie Torgerson (katie@olshf.org, 503-413-7623).
Are you… an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist interested in partnering with our LEAP Lab?
Thank you so much for wanting to help the uninsured or underinsured adults and children in your community!
We would love to set you up to take referrals from local Lions Clubs that assist adults and children through the KEX Kids Fund Program. Our LEAP Lab would provide you with a frame fitting kit of 15 different styles, offered in two color options each from Europa’s Elements line. You would negotiate an exam rate for the adult exams with your local Lions Club(s) that you partner with.
Through the KEX Kids Fund Program, you would be reimbursed a flat rate of $80 for the exam and fitting fee. Join our network to provide vision care to nearly 2,500 underserved adults and children each year! You would be added to our Partners & Sponsors page, where our statewide network can find you at any time.
If you want to learn more and would like to start working with our LEAP Lab, contact our Optical Director, Katie Torgerson (katie@olshf.org, 503-413-7623).
Meet Our Opticians
VP of Programs, ABOC, CPO
Optical Director, ABOC, CPOA
Optical Manager
Optician & LERC Manager ABOC, CPOA
Optician, ABOC, CPO
Optical Administrator
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