Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
The Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (OLSHF) administers the Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Program (LERC) for the State of Oregon. OLSHF manages one of 18 LERCs worldwide. Over 100,000 eyeglasses are collected every year from communities across the state, mostly thanks to the efforts of Lions Clubs who collect the eyeglasses.
Follow the path of your donated glasses
Eyeglass collection boxes are set up at vision providers, pharmacies, retirement homes, and stores throughout Oregon. Lions Club volunteers gather and transport those donations to our warehouse in NW Portland. Various other service organizations such as the Elks, Kiwanis, Northwest Medical Teams and Boy Scouts of America partner with us by coordinating their own collection projects and providing them to us for our mission.
Thanks to our partnership with Central City Concern, local sororities, alumni groups and Lions Clubs, we are able to host these groups to assist in the sorting of the eyeglass donations received. Our volunteers sort out usable eyeglasses to continue their journey in the recycling process.
If you or your group are interested in helping at a sorting, contact Tracy@OLSHF.org See below for more details.
Since 2002, OLSHF has partnered with Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (CCCF) in Wilsonville, OR to process the eyeglass donations. At CCCF, 30 women adults in custody (who have been accepted into the Paraoptometric Training and Eyeglass Recycling Program) clean, calibrate, repair and sort the eyeglasses. The glasses are then categorized and stored back at the warehouse in NW Portland, ready for sight missions.
Numerous organizations request specific inventories of “mission ready” eyeglasses from our warehouse for their trips. We distribute thousands of donated eyeglasses each year to sight missions all over the globe including Vietnam, Mexico, Australia, Africa and many other underserved areas of our world. To request glasses for your mission trip, contact Tracy@OLSHF.org!
See how recycled glasses are making a difference, both in our communities and abroad
Eyeglasses, hearing aid and cell phone drop-off sites
Please note: If you require a tax receipt for your donation, you must ship or bring in your donation to the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation office in Northwest Portland:
Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation
1010 NW 22nd Avenue, #144
Portland, OR 97210
We cannot provide tax receipts for unverified donations, such as those collected at the drop-off sites listed below.
Did you know you can also
Recycle your:
Free shipping labels for functional laptos that are less than 7 years old, and cellphones/tablets less than 5 years old
What can I donate by mail?
Only reusable laptops, phones, and tablets can be sent by mail. Laptops must be less than seven years old and phones must be less than five years old. Remember to remove or log out of any user locks on the devices including iCloud accounts, BIOS passwords, Google drives, and more.
How do I package my items?
Grab a used cardboard box and some padding. Old newspaper, bubble wrap, paper, or anything that is light and takes up volume will work for padding. Tape the shipping label to the top of the box and ship it.
What is a Device Passport?
A Device Passport is a webpage that is automatically created for each processed device. It gives proof that what you sent in was received and the data was securely destroyed.
Will I get a donation receipt?
Yes. You will be sent a tax deduction receipt for your donation.
Is shipping free?
Yes, as long as the device is functional and reusable, we’ll provide a pre-paid UPS or USPS shipping label.
Who receives the donation?
Computer refurbishment partners receive mail-in donations. They specialize in mail-in tech donations and help with processing and data wiping the computers. Donors are sent a mailing label by one of our refurbishment partners.
Should I include accessories?
It’s OK to include chargers. But, in order to keep shipping costs to a minimum, we ask that software, bags, instructions, and other items that don’t connect to the laptop not be included.
I live outside the U.S., Can I still donate?
Unfortunately, no. At this time we’re only able to accept donations originating in the continental U.S. (Not Hawaii or Alaska)
Come party with us!
We’re always looking for volunteers to help us sort the donated glasses we receive!
Sorting parties are held primarily at the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Program (LERC) warehouse in Northwest Portland and are currently by appointment only. If you want to host a sorting party at your location, please get in touch with Tracy Brown.
Sorting parties are an excellent opportunity for groups of all ages to give back to their communities, earn some community service hours, or have fun while giving your time to a great cause!
Who might be a good fit?
Lions Clubs / Individual Lions
Scout troops or independent scouts
Students who need community service hours for graduation or program requirements
Anyone who wants to lend a hand!
Contact LERC Manager Tracy at Tracy@olshf.org with questions or to schedule your party today!